What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and is Surgery the Only Option for Relief?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most prevalent health conditions of our time.  Though it can arise from heavier activity, it typically comes from repetitive light-duty work with the hands.  Other issues, such as obesity, can also contribute to or cause the condition.

Woman with carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

This condition, which is also known by the more technical name of median nerve compression, affects more than 3 million people in the United States each year.  It is caused when the median nerve is compressed where it goes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist.  This tunnel isn't a single structure, but instead, is made up of certain wrist bones and the transverse carpal ligament.  When the ligament is inflamed, it narrows the space where the nerve passes through, thereby compressing it.  Carpal tunnel syndrome then results.

What are the Symptoms?

Pain is the most obvious symptom, but this condition also causes tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand.  The thumb, index, and middle fingers are prominently affected.  A weak grip is another sign. If the condition goes on long enough, the muscles at the base of the thumb may atrophy.


Surgery is known for being the definitive treatment, but it can be avoided or postponed with proper therapy.  Some also say that it doesn't provide lasting relief.  Fortunately, there are other options.

A chiropractor in St. Joseph will look not only at the wrist but also the neck.  Those who suffer from carpal tunnel problems often have stiff necks, with the restricted motion being prominent on the same side as the most painful wrist.  If both wrists are affected, the neck will often be stiff on both sides.  This indicates a connection between neck problems and wrist problems.

Because of this, chiropractic treatment for this condition typically involves neck treatment as well as a variety of non-invasive wrist therapy options.  Fixing the problem in the neck can help greatly in preventing the return of carpal tunnel pain in the future.

Contact Our Trusted Chiropractor in St. Joseph for More Information Today!

To be evaluated for carpal tunnel syndrome treatment, just give St. Joseph Chiropractic a call at 816-279-0700. If you are a new patient, your first evaluation and consultation with us will be FREE.


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